Translator :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hipster Trends.

Being a hipster is what I have always dreamed of when I started my youtube channel.  Baby, I want to make your hips-stir ;)  In reality, I do!  I want you to dress up with a trend that I start, and work it.  For example, this Christmas I got a peacock pattern headband with extra fabric to create unique styles.  Here is a video of some hair do's you can rock this spring!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Best Friendzz

My first period is a really REALLY big class.  About 70 students full!  I couldn't even name all of them from memory.  Some have generic names like Charlie, Crystal, Ellie, Benny and Hailey... but then there are the unique names like Tariq, Nadim, Kiara and Anya; both lists will go on and on.  Out of all the students at my school, Seentia is my best friend.  Check out our video.
Watch "BEST FRIEND TAG + more :)" on YouTube