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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Pinterest vs Tumbler ft. Boys?

Don't even get me started.  I love Pinterest and could rant on and on about this online pin board.  I am more that 100% sure that I will get addicted to Tumblr if I get started, so I refrain from making an account.  If some one were to ask me, Pinterest of Tumblr?  My immediate response is PINTEREST!  I spend morning walks to the bus stop and bus rides home with the Pinterest app open.  I enjoy my lunches pinning clothing, inspiration and cute pictures on Pinterest anyone would call me an addict.  What's weird is that boys don't usually pin or tumble... so what do they do all day?  That is a good question.

One day, I was talking to my friend, a tumblr addict, and she was telling me how similar Pinterest was to tumblr, but how tumblr was better.  I asked her why and she said it's because she is used to using it.  I believe Tumblr vs. Pinterest will be an issue like Edward vs. Jacob because to be honest I like Pinterest, but don't have a logical answer to.  Leave a comment below telling me Pinterest or Tumblr.

Boys don't normally use Tumblr or Pinterest, unless most of their friends are girls.  Not because they are gay, although that is fine, but because people tend to do the things their friends do.  If you think about it, what is their to pin/tumble anyways?  Hot guys and cute clothes right?  Therefore guys don't have a reason to get involved in this.  I'm not of the male gender, but I think I can safely say boys either sleep, play games, eat, watch tv, and if your lucky, play sports.  To them Tumblr or Pinterest is a girl activity which is totally cool: We don't need them to mess it up.

I love Pinterest, but I also love my twitter.  Please follow my instagram, @drali1 and please please take a look at my latest youtube video!

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